
Diinlang 2.0: Thickness Modifiers

Version 2
The four thickness adjectives/adverbs are:
Gaung denotes vertical distance, mainly of something that is solid or continuous. If something is tall it is “tagaung”, if someone is short the are “kogaung”. Mountains are tagaung, but so is the Earth’s crust. For altitude and vertical distances through the air you would use “up”. You could describe a thick cloud as tagaung, however.
Dep is also vertical, and covers such properties as deep, depth and deepness. Dep therefore usually describes downward directions. Water or a hole might be dep. “Kodep” is shallow, “tadep” very deep. Like any modifier these can be modified as comparisons or superlatives.
Vid is width and is laterally horizontal. “Kovid” is thin or narrow, “Tavid” is broad.
Using “ze-” or itas a prefix to a descriptor makes it obvious that a statement is relative to an object’s orientation, rather than the speaker’s viewpoint.
Leng is horizontal depth or thickness. You might say that the drawers of a desk are “taleng”, for example. Leng also sees uses that in English we might use “long” for. If a trip is a long way through a deep forest in Diinlang taleng would be used for both “long” and “deep”.
Gaung, dep, vid, leng.